RFT readers express virulent feelings about soldiers fleeing to Canada to escape the Iraq War

Mar 25, 2009 at 4:00 am

Softball insult: I think it was funny that Martin Kilcoyne of FOX News called softball players hayseeds last night in his talk about the new field at Ballpark Village ["Ballpark Pillage...or...Why Didn't We Think of That?" Chad Garrison]. I'm sure since it is one of the top recreational sports in the country that there are a lot of hayseeds — not to mention college and high school players. Maybe he was picked last all the time and had to catch.
Dave Romy, via the Internet

They are not the real threat: Sounds like more government paranoia ["State Officials Think Libertarians Want to Kill Police," Kristen Hinman]. When the people comment on the "New World Order," or President Obama trying to take the guns, they are dismissed at "conspiracy nuts." When government officials become "conspiracy nuts," they really aren't "nuts" but have actual concerns. Ahhh, the hypocrisy. The bigger threat is not the Libertarians, but the government itself.
Mark, via the Internet

They knew what they were getting into: Interesting story, Megan ["No Canada," Megan Feldman]. I have to say my feelings are split on these people. I don't really feel sorry for them because nobody twisted their arms to enlist. Running off to Canada is just continuing to make bad choices, like the one they made by enlisting in the first place. For most, military service is a regular job until a war breaks out. Then a whole lot of things change quickly. It's the nature of the business. They failed to take that into account before they signed their names and raised their hands. In war, there is no honor or glory, only survival or death.
Bear, via the Internet

Sickened: As a veteran and an American, I find this reporting to be sickening. It's far from objective and is glorifying the position of a deserter. Deport them back to the United States, and reinstate them into the military in a support role. They can hand out towels in the gym, or work on a laundry crew, allowing them to support their families and fulfill the obligations they made to their country.
Ken Simpson, St. Louis, via the Internet

Cowardly deserter: Nobody sent for this deserter. She enlisted for money and benefits. That was the deal. She knew it and signed a contract with my government. She deserves to be given the maximum penalty that is available. She is a coward in my opinion.
M Gerchan, Bridgeton, via the Internet

Shame on her: She enlisted in early 2006. Is there much more to say? She knew there was a war, and she still signed the contract. Parading this person as someone for others to follow is a tragedy. She turned her back on her country and her brothers and sisters in the military. She should be embarrassed and shamed for the rest of her life.
Scott, U.S. Air Force, via the Internet