Why Quit Your Bad Habits?

Week of May 15, 2002

May 15, 2002 at 4:00 am
Chris Lack
Bartender, Lafayette Pub & Grill
"I can't think of a good reason -- they're mine. I own them, bought and paid for. I tried to quit smoking, tried everything. I went to a psychologist. He said I'm way too depressed to quit. Go figure. So I guess I'm taking ten years off my life. At least it's the last ten."

Charlie Greer
"Why? That's what I say. Unless you're hurting somebody, why quit a perfectly good bad habit? And it's all about perception: One person's bad habit may be another one's good habit. But, to me, a bad habit ... well, serial killing, that's a bad habit. Televangelizing, that's a bad habit. But you know, smoking a joint here and there, that's OK. Whatever gets you through the night, man."

Kate Cleary
"Well, you know, I have a history of bad habits. I had one very bad habit, and I drank all the fun out of it -- I had an amazing capacity! And then I just got very tired of being separated from myself, so I quit my bad habits and I got clean and I got free and I got whole."

Shawn Harmon
Vagabond Musician
"So you can excel. You have to better yourself as a person. If that habit's holding you back and you break it, then you better yourself. And even as I say this, I'm a fool for a cigarette. Yeah, I give it up ... till I light another. Sometimes I think it's preordained: I'm gonna break that habit or it'll kill me."

Evelynia Brown
Community Activist
"It's un-American not to quit your bad habits. See, bad habits are the habits that weaken America. I don't smoke and I don't drink. But I used to, and I quit. Know why? 'Cause I love God and I love America. Is that a good enough reason?"

Kelly Rudat
Assistant, William Shearburn Fine Art
"Why be dull? Without vices, life is too boring. You've got to be bad to be good. And if you quit one bad habit, you just develop a new one anyway, so what's the point?