Brendan Ryan, Sully Sullenberger, Eric Holder Among Finalists for Mustache Award

Oct 6, 2009 at 11:12 am
Attorney General Eric Holder.
Attorney General Eric Holder.
The St. Louis-based American Mustache Institute has just released the finalists for its annual Robert Goulet Memorial Award, honoring the man (or woman) who's done the most this year to promote and uphold the mustache as a lifestyle/fashion statement.

Among the eighteen nominees are Cardinals shortstop Brendan Ryan, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, U.S. Airways pilot Sully Sullenberger and this mayor from Murray City, Utah.

Other nominees are Bill Geist, Landry Jones, J-Stache, Holcombe Twins, Whitney Matheson, Clay Zavada, John Chattman, Tom Noyes, Robert Mohr, Terry Walthall, John Yeutter, Michael Allen, David Axelrod and U.S. Army officers Meetze, Kerekes, Mayer, Daoust.

Voting for the competition (cast yours here) ends October 20, with the winner announced at this year's 'Stache Bash featuring mustachioed rock 'n souler John Oates.

Press Release:
Brendan Ryan reacts to news that he's a finalist.
Brendan Ryan reacts to news that he's a finalist.

The American Mustache Institute (AMI) will name the 2009 "Robert Goulet Memorial Mustached American of the Year," recognizing the person best contributing to the Mustached American way of life over the past year, on Oct. 30 at 'Stache Bash 2009 featuring John Oates. Nearly 100 nominations were submitted for the 2009 "Goulet" award, and AMI's certified mustacheologists narrowed the finalists to 18. Note that THIS IS NOT A BEST MUSTACHE CONTEST. This is about finding the best contributor to the Mustached American way of life.

The "Goulet" will be chosen based on popular vote - and you may cast your vote below. Voting will be recorded by an (Active Server Pages) Web application and the data stored in a Structured Query Language (SQL) data base under the oversight of Quicken®, which will tabulate and certify the final vote count. Voting will continue until Tuesday, Oct. 20, and the winner announced Oct. 30 at 'Stache Bash 2009.