From Soup to Cheese

Jan 17, 2007 at 4:00 am
Ms. Day is thinking that she and Denise Carr, associate specialty team leader at Whole Foods Market (1601 South Brentwood Boulevard, Brentwood), might be long-lost sisters, because Ms. Carr is teaching two classes at the grocer this month — and both revolve around cheese! This dairy delight is what Ms. Day lives for! Well, in truth, she subsists on cheese and soup — she has to get a few veggies in somehow. But if cheese became a soup, what would happen? (Aside from making Ms. Day's head explode, that is?) Find out during Carr's Making Great Cheese Soups class, taught tonight from 6:30 to 8 p.m. You'll sample a few of these amazing creations, and you'll learn how to keep them soupy without being too cheesy (apparently, this is a concern for some). The course costs $15; sign up by calling 314-968-7744 or visiting
Tue., Jan. 23