Ms. Day is thinking that she and Denise Carr, associate specialty team leader at Whole Foods Market (1601 South Brentwood Boulevard, Brentwood), might be long-lost sisters, because Ms. Carr is teaching two classes at the grocer this month and both revolve around cheese! This dairy delight is what Ms. Day lives for! Well, in truth, she subsists on cheese and soup she has to get a few veggies in somehow. But if cheese became a soup, what would happen? (Aside from making Ms. Day's head explode, that is?) Find out during Carr's Making Great Cheese Soups class, taught tonight from 6:30 to 8 p.m. You'll sample a few of these amazing creations, and you'll learn how to keep them soupy without being too cheesy (apparently, this is a concern for some). The course costs $15; sign up by calling 314-968-7744 or visiting
Tue., Jan. 23