Hell Yeah, They’re Good Enough

Aug 8, 2007 at 4:00 am
Let’s gripe about August, shall we? It’s been too hot; the Cardinals are a confusing “will-they-or-won’t-they?” proposition right now; the movie theaters are full of the end-of-summer throwaways. Thank Steven Spielberg for The Goonies, a sure-fire summer classic that gets better every time you watch it. A movie about a group of lovable, misfit kids searching for pirate treasure in a desperate attempt to save their hometown from evil developers, The Goonies has adventure, thrills, Joe Pantoliano and Sloth. What’s not to love?

And even better, thank Grand Center’s Arts Initiative for funding an outdoor screening of The Goonies, because we could all use some popcorn, a big happy crowd and a big-screen “Truffle Shuffle.” Starting Saturday, August 11, at 7 p.m. at the grassy lot just west of North Grand Boulevard (right around 3713 Washington Boulevard) and continuing every Saturday night for the next four weeks, a slate of family-friendly films is presented for free by Grand Center and Cinema St. Louis. The Goonies is this week’s classic, and it comes with pre-show entertainment in the form of live music by Moss; concession stands selling popcorn, hot dogs and adult beverages; and a costume contest keyed to each movie’s theme. Expect to see a lot of Chunks, some Datas, a couple Sloths and maybe some skeletal pirates. Expect to have a good time, and expect to enjoy Saturday nights in August for once. Visit www.grandcenter.org for more information and the rest of the schedule (Hint: Think “Who you gonna call?” for next week.)
Sat., Aug. 11