Greg and Kate have reached a tenuous moment in their relationship. Back in the city after twenty-something years in the suburbs, their children now grown, their lives are their own again. So when Greg finds a dog in the park, why does he bring her home? Do they really need the hassle of another dependent now? As anyone who has ever loved a dog can attest, it's difficult to deny a dog — and Greg doesn't even make a cursory effort to do so, much to Kate's dissatisfaction. Sylvia — that's the name on the dog's tags — completely bewitches Greg from the first. And for the audience, this blossoming love is both funny and confusing, since Sylvia is played by a person. Stray Dog Theatre (of course) presents A.R. Gurney's romantic comedy Sylvia at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday (March 12 through 28) at the Tower Grove Abbey (2336 Tennessee Avenue; 314-865-1995 or, with an additional 2 p.m. performance on the final Saturday. Tickets are $18 to $20.
Thursdays-Saturdays. Starts: March 12. Continues through March 28, 2009