Sting has done quite a bit to arouse interest about tantric sex in the Western world. Ten hours of going at it? Come on! Yeah, it sounds like a great idea, but between a job and needing to eat (and re-hydrate, one assumes), who has the time for a multi-hour visit to the sin bin? So tantric sex beckons, but you never answer the call, opting instead to squeeze in a quick naked wrestling match between reruns of Law & Order. Diana and Richard Daffner have an alternative for you, Don Wan. The Daffners have coauthored Tantric Sex for Busy Couples: How to Deepen your Passion in Just Ten Minutes a Day. (Was that the sound of a TV being clicked off?) Through a combination of candid language and instructions in tantric tai chi (a series of easy movements that enliven sexual energy), Tantric Sex for Busy Couples offers a way for you and your special someone to reconnect physically and emotionally. Interested? The Daffners appear at Left Bank Books' downtown location (321 North Tenth Street; 314-436-3069 or to discuss their book and methods at 7 p.m. this evening. Admission is free. You have nothing to lose but TV time.
Fri., May 15, 2009