Missouri History Museum Hosts Green Living Festival Pop-Up Event

Jun 30, 2022 at 10:56 am

The Missouri Botanical Garden’s famous Green Living Festival is back this year and is being hosted as a series of pop-up events at your favorite St. Louis locations.

Next Saturday, July 9, they’ll be offering the "Summer of Sustainability" event at the Missouri History Museum (5700 Lindell Boulevard, MOHistory.org).

Brought to you by the Missouri Botanical Garden’s EarthWays Center, this free, kid-friendly event will encourage eco-conscious discussion and show families ways to make their home and their community safer and more green.

In addition to workshops and displays, there will be activities available for the whole family and experts on standby ready to answer all of your questions.

Scheduled workshops include how to make your home more energy efficient, how to arrange for a green burial and more.

Visit MissouriBotanicalGarden.org for more information on the exhibitors and options offered on this day and at other Green Living Festival events.