The original monster truck, Bigfoot, left big shoes to fill. In the years since Bob Chandler’s famed Ford F-250 first crushed a couple of clunkers under its titanic tread, the trucks have steadily become even more monstrous. This Saturday, the current crop of motor-sports' menacing myth-makers will jam into the Edward Jones Dome (701 Convention Plaza) for Monster Jam, complete with some fast and furious four-wheel-drive freestyling. All-time greats like Maximum Destruction and Grave Digger (on its 30th anniversary tour) are slated to appear, alongside fan favorites like the horned heavyweight El Toro Loco, the Scarlet Bandit and the Marvel Comics branded Iron Man. The gates open at 5:30 p.m., and the mayhem begins at 6:30. Tickets are $10 to $20. For more information and to purchase tickets, put the pedal to the metal and roll on over to
Sat., Feb. 4, 2012