Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law and blow some crap up, Murphy! RoboCop quite plainly rules. Even trimmed down from its original X rating, the film still brims with all the gore, wicked guns, sneering baddies, murderizin' robots and dystopia a pubescent boy's heart could desire. And director Paul Verhoeven sneaks in some genuine human- vs.-machine soul-searching among all the gunplay. The Webster University Strange Brew film series presents RoboCop at 8 p.m. in the booze-friendly environs of the Schlafly Bottleworks (7260 Southwest Avenue, Maplewood; 314-968-7487 or, and nothing brings out the nauseating adolescent in you like adult libations and a boss sci-fi shoot 'em up. Admission is four clams and it's going to kick some metallic ass.
Wed., March 5, 2008