Whats up with the young people these days, with their newfangled Razor scooters and those blasted vidyah games? Whatever happened to a kid with a little gumption and a fishing pole? Its high time these young ´uns did what they're supposed to be doing...and that's going to the Youth Fishing Derby, happening today at Des Peres Park (12325 Manchester Road, Des Peres). From 8 to 10 a.m. (check-in begins at 7:30 a.m.), children ages three to twelve get back to basics and, hopefully, get to catch a few fish. A prize will be awarded for the largest fish, plus there will be a raffle. Cost to participate is $5 (kids must bring their own equipment), and pre-registration is required by Friday, June 1; call 314-835-6150 to reserve a spot.
Sat., June 2