Pink Flamingos

Jun 25, 2015 at 4:00 am
Drag queen Divine always considered himself a man -- transgressive, not transgender. And if he hadn't stepped up to the plate to consume freshly deposited dog doo during the filming of John Waters' Pink Flamingos, the world may not ever have been exposed to his — and Waters' -- unique talents. In the film, Divine plays Divine, "the filthiest woman alive," according to a local tabloid. Connie and Raymond Marbles want that title for themselves and attempt to destroy Divine and her extended family to get it. What follows is a bunch of messed-up stuff that made the film infamous. Pink Flamingos is shown at midnight Friday and Saturday (June 26 and 27) at the Moolah Theatre & Lounge (3821 Lindell Boulevard; 314-446-6868 or Tickets are $5, and you must be eighteen or older to enter.
Fri., June 26, 11:59 p.m.; Sat., June 27, 11:59 p.m., 2015