Things have been pretty quiet around here lately. Maybe too quiet, right? Can you even recall the last time we had a full-blown zombie invasion in this city? Yeah, we're about due for a humdinger of a walking dead assault if you ask me. Thank Cthulu we have the Zombie Squad working out there to keep the city safe. What's Zombie Squad?, you ask? Why, it's only the first and last bulwark in our ongoing war with the deathless, that's what. Zombie Squad members are concerned with the necessary tactics, equipment, theory and actual practice of surviving a holocaust -- especially one of the zombie-related variety. Tonight at 8 p.m. at the Atomic Cowboy, Zombie Squad hosts a double feature of films that provide concrete examples of how exactly one might come out on the other side of a biological nightmare. 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, Danny Boyle's sci-fi/horror thrillers about a virus that de-populates the UK except for a handful of people, are like graduate-level coursework for the Zombie Squad. So come on down and find out if you've got what it takes to survive the end of life as we know it. Even if you don't have "it," sleep easy -- because Zombie Squad is out there. Admission is $2 and the bar is offering $1 PBRs throughout the evening.
Wed., May 7, 8 p.m.-3 a.m., 2008