Sugar High

Apr 12, 2012 at 4:00 am
If you’ve never gotten around to visiting an exhibit at the Luminary Center for the Arts, we know the perfect one to pop your artsy cherry. Or should we say, cherries. Hundreds of them, in fact. Contemporary artist Matthew Paul Isaacson would know a thing or two about cherries. Raised on a 1,500-acre industrial fruit manufacturing farm in Northern Michigan, he spent his childhood working to help harvest thousands upon thousands of concentrate-ready cherries and apples, and more importantly, a colorful myriad maraschino cherries. Isaacson brings his childhood experience to life in his newest site-specific installation, Cherry Dance, which consists of hundreds of maraschino cherries suspended from a monofilament grid. The best part: The preserved, sweetened cherries are sure to give viewers a sensory sugar high as they ferment over the course of the exhibition. If you’re in for a sweet treat that won’t cost you a thing, Issacson unveils his delicious display on Friday, April 13, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Luminary Center for the Arts (4900 Reber Place; 314-807-5984). The cherries will hang around Wednesday through Saturday from 12 to 6 p.m. through Friday, May 11. For more information, visit
Wednesdays-Saturdays. Starts: April 13. Continues through May 11, 2012