The Light Fantastic

How happy the moths shall be

Sep 3, 2008 at 4:00 am
If you're wont to sneak into Grand Center by the westerly route, you've no doubt noticed the burnt shell of the Spring Avenue Church. All of the growth that has happened in this burgeoning arts district, and the remains of this fire-damaged building, um, remain lurking on the periphery like a drunken uncle. But no more: Sebastian Hungerer and Rainer Kehres have replaced the missing roof with a mass of modified lamps, creating a beautiful, jeweled work of art out of ruin. Their luminous installation is part of The Light Project, a series of site-responsive artworks sponsored by the Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts (3716 Washington Boulevard; 314-754-1850 or The whole schmeer opens with a free public reception from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, September 4. The Light Project remains up through Friday, October 17.
Sept. 4-Oct. 17, 2008