Van De Graaff Musical Generator

Not sleepy, just drowsy

Dec 31, 2008 at 4:00 am
Feeling diminished by an unspecific sorrow, the Man in the Chair turns to his beloved vinyl copy of the 1928 Gable and Stein musical The Drowsy Chaperone for comfort — and the show comes to life once again in his living room. There's Janet Van De Graaff, the showgirl about to marry an oil tycoon. But whoops! Legendary producer Feldzieg doesn't want to lose his star — actually his chief investor/mobster moneyman doesn't want to lose his star — so two torpedoes disguised as pastry chefs set about derailing the wedding. Add some cold feet on Janet's part and the constant upstaging antics of her "drowsy" chaperone (drowsy being slang for "sloshed"), and you have a wild, Jazz Age show. No wonder the Man in the Chair loves it so much. The Broadway tour of The Drowsy Chaperone plays at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday (January 2 and 3) at Lindenwood's J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts (2300 West Clay Street, St. Charles; 636-949-4433 or Tickets are $25 to $55.
Fri., Jan. 2; Sat., Jan. 3, 2009