You're not gonna find much loftiness or, alas, urban folk art of value within these little gems. Even somewhat sincere attempts at drunken introspection devolve into bitch-slapping halfway down the stall wall. After a while, those searching for poetic diamonds are reduced to observing that "Call the magic penis!" is nowhere near as creative as "Lemons are sour, beware of the evil in yellow!" and that the poem about world peace is nothing but a stoned pontification by a stupid fucking hippie -- exactly as some keen cultural critic has observed just beneath it.
But it's not what each tidbit of graffiti is saying but the sheer volume of what it collectively reveals that gives it such power. It's a drunken orgy of pissed-off horny toads. And whereas most establishments opt to routinely paint over bathroom graffiti in dark shades of denial (only Tangerine has mastered the art of compromise, offering blackboard walls that are erased once a week to make room for more dick jokes), the Hi-Pointe brazenly bares its underbelly like the many tattoos of its patrons.
The myth that the French are great lovers was built on the divinely sordid works of these men and women. And nowhere can you find as many great examples of the classic Dirty French Novel as you will in the front window of Subterranean Books. That's right: As you peruse that copy of Miracle of The Rose (dude, prison sex is hot!), passersby can clearly see you and what you are. Even better, Subterranean will gladly order any of the tomes missing from your collection, so you need not go without the beautiful and brutal Chants of Maldoror just because it's not in stock. Old Mr. Comstock would roll over in his grave at the thought of these classics' being freely available despite all his efforts, but his turgid member keeps him propped sideways in his coffin, like a bike on a kickstand -- which is just the sort of thing the Comte de Lautréamont wanted you to think about when he wrote Maldoror, which is why you should read it.
The myth that the French are great lovers was built on the divinely sordid works of these men and women. And nowhere can you find as many great examples of the classic Dirty French Novel as you will in the front window of Subterranean Books. That's right: As you peruse that copy of Miracle of The Rose (dude, prison sex is hot!), passersby can clearly see you and what you are. Even better, Subterranean will gladly order any of the tomes missing from your collection, so you need not go without the beautiful and brutal Chants of Maldoror just because it's not in stock. Old Mr. Comstock would roll over in his grave at the thought of these classics' being freely available despite all his efforts, but his turgid member keeps him propped sideways in his coffin, like a bike on a kickstand -- which is just the sort of thing the Comte de Lautréamont wanted you to think about when he wrote Maldoror, which is why you should read it.