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David Lynch's first feature film, Eraserhead, has puzzled audiences and given them the heebie-jeebies since 1977. Its abrasive soundtrack, repellent visuals and dream-like pacing defies easy categorization. Jack Nance plays Henry Spencer, an alienated man wandering through an industrial world. He communicates with a strange being called "the Man in the Planet," receives visitations from a lady in the radiator and has a severely mutated child with his girlfriend, Mary X. When Mary leaves him, matters become even more nightmarish. The Tivoli's Reel Late film series screens the disturbing film at 11:55 p.m. Friday and Saturday (August 3 and 4) at the Landmark Tivoli Theatre (6350 Delmar Boulevard, University City; Tickets are $8.

— Paul Friswold