Usually Gut Check's morning commute is rife with road rage and angry silence, but today, perhaps because of weather that favors rolling down car windows to blasting the A/C, we switched on the radio. And good grief, thank goodness we did.
No, it wasn't the new Taylor Swift song that stilled our beating heats, it was a commercial promoting a one-day special at McDonald's: Buy one "Big Mac" or "Quarter Pounder with Cheese" on Wednesday, August 15, and get a second for 15 cents. The deal began at 10:30 a.m., when McDonald's lunch goes on sale, and lasts till the end of business today. Yep, acting on that news will certainly still our beating hearts.
Our first reaction was not unlike when Tobias auditioned for a commercial advertising South Coast Boutique's fire sale.
Thanks to a friend, Gut Check has been alerted that area McDonald's restaurants are also promoting the one-day special by dressing employees in "Big Mac" costumes and having them troll the streets near its restaurants. Our tipster says he spotted the living, breathing "Big Mac" box pictured in this post in west county. As silly as this marketing effort might seem, Gut Check would make the drive if Justin Timberlake were involved a la his Saturday Night Live "Omeletteville" sketch.