Farmers' Market Share: Winter Squash Napoleon

Sep 23, 2009 at 3:40 pm
click to enlarge Farmers' Market Share: Winter Squash Napoleon
Alissa Nelson
I was feeling uninspired this week.

Despite the fact that there is a brand! new! chest freezer! in my basement, I haven't been able to muster up the will to do a whole lot of cooking to fill it with a huge haul from the farmers' market. I dragged myself through ten pounds of tomatoes, but the sauce still sits in a pot in the fridge, waiting to be frozen in convenient portions. Taking up an entire drawer are ten ears of corn from which I still haven't cut the kernels.

And then there was the single delicata squash.

It sat on the counter for days, challenging me to think up something. "Come on!" it was saying, "Stuff me with the apples over here and just get it over with already. Geez, lady."

So there I was, dutifully chopping up an apple and preparing to do a standard apple-cinnamon baked stuffed-squash thing when my husband walked over to help. He looked a little crestfallen.

"Oh. I thought we were going to make a squash and apple napoleon."

"...What? Really?" I had never heard of such a thing!

So I shifted focus, and we whipped up something that probably took less time to cook and had way better proportions for offsetting the squash. I'll admit it: I've never really loved baked squash halves, and I wasn't too overjoyed at the prospect of eating them that evening.