Colleen Thompson is the premier cookie lady in town. On August 19, she expanded her sugary empire by adding 1,200 square feet and 40 seats to her bakeshop, Colleen's Cookies (7337 Forsyth Boulevard; 314-727-8427). The space, dubbed Caife Caife (Gaelic for "coffee cafe"), offers her usual sweet treats as well as Intelligentsia coffee from Chicago and plenty of breakfast and lunch options.
See also: First Look: Blueprint Coffee in the Loop
"We do everything by hand. We make all of our own flatbreads and biscuits, as well as scones from scratch. We love what we do and I think it shows," says Thompson.
Thompson's posh shop has a veritable arsenal of baked goods laid out on display to choose from, with tea and coffee options including cold brews and pour overs to go with them. The food menu features in-house baked components to hold seasonally rotated toppings and fillings.
Barn lights and chandeliers coincide lots of natural light pouring in through windows with a simple black and white theme presented in pretty prints and patterns, the perfect setting for sitting back and studying or partaking in a caffeine break.