FoodWire: Serious Eats Samples Imo's Pizza

Nov 12, 2009 at 12:00 pm
Slice, the pizza blog run by the national food blog Serious Eats, once again has visited a St. Louis pizza joint. Previous installments considered the pies being served at Thai Pizza Co. and Pi, but now author Daniel Zemans has gone straight to the heart of the subject: Imo's Pizza. Though the title of Zemans' post, "Imo's Pizza: St. Louis' Inexplicably Addictive Pie," might suggest a negative opinion of the Provel-topped pizza, Zemans throws a curveball:
My name is Daniel, I'm a proud Chicagoan with little good to say about St. Louis despite having lived there for a year, and I like Provel cheese, especially when it's part of a pie at Imo's Pizza.
Read the whole post for a thoughtful take on Provel, Imo's and the whole St. Louis-style pizza phenomenon. Lots of comments on the post, too. I know you guys have strong opinions about this -- as I learn whenever I mention my feelings about Provel -- so you'll probably enjoy the read.