Gut Check's Week in Tweets

Nov 13, 2009 at 10:00 am
Don't you know? Gut Check has a Twitter account. You can follow me @gutcheckstl.

Here's some of what you missed on my Twitter feed this week:

Is it wrong that I want to smuggle some Pappy's barbecue into the Leonard Cohen show to make tonight as awesome as possible?
12:04 PM Nov 7th
Dear bands full of 20somethings who play 75-minute sets and stare at their shoes, I kicked your ass tonight. Love, L. Cohen
11:46 PM Nov 7th
Can a restaurant have bumper nuts? This place should.
12:38 PM Nov 12th
My drink coaster sez: get me wet.
12:42 PM Nov 12th
And the waitresses have collectible trading cards.
12:59 PM Nov 12th