Papa Tom's Fancy Franks Food Truck For Sale

Feb 13, 2013 at 12:08 pm

A reader tipped Gut Check off that the food truck Papa Tom's Fancy Franks (@papatomsff; 314-713-4431) is listed for sale on Craigslist. In fact, there are two listings for the truck: one for just the truck; and one for the truck and the brand.

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Owner Tom Broadwell tells Gut Check that there were many reasons behind the decision to sell the truck, not least of which was the fact that he is back working a full-time job.

"It's been a lot of stuff," he says, adding that his main goal is to "keep the family first."

Papa Tom's was one of the first of the new generation of St. Louis food trucks. It launched in March 2011 as Papa Tom's Gateway Dog House, serving food from a trailer attached to a vintage pick-up truck. Broadwell later upgraded the operation to the full-sized truck now for sale.