This Week in Gut Check, Regurgitated

Apr 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm
This Week in Gut Check, Regurgitated
Aimee Levitt

This week was that of the Great Gut Check Matzo Tasting. Aimee Levitt ran a series of tests on various matzot to determine a champion based on criterion such as flavor, texture and swallowability.

What else did we do this week?

We prepared for Easter with a Battle Gourmet Jelly Beans.

We celebrated 4/20 with a munchies contest, some food Highdeas and a PSA.

Ian reviewed O! Wings Plus.

Robin suggested five repurposed junk foods in the style of Taco Bell's Dorito-shell taco.

Chef Kris Janik taught us a few things about urban farming.

That's it for this week. Have a great weekend. Eat something good.