Two Great Memes That Taste Great Together! Kids and Epic Mealtime

Jul 11, 2011 at 5:00 pm

Who doesn't love Epic Meal Time, with its super-macho meat and bacon and cheese-based enormous meals, booze and screaming?

And who doesn't love kids reacting to viral video programs intended for adults?

The Fine Brothers' YouTube series "Kids React" exposes a bunch of cute munchkins to viral videos and shows their reactions. Because kids say the darnedest things, and they speak the truth, et cetera, et cetera.

You already know Epic Meal Time. Right? You don't? How is that possible? It's a bunch of testosterone-fueled maniacs making giant quantities of food. Manly food.

This is exactly what kids need to watch! They don't know enough about nutrition!

The kids have some pretty smart things to say in response to the 100,000-calorie burger.

We're pretty sure that Morgan kid is going to grow up to be awesome. We might have an opening for her at Gut Check International HQ.

We showed the original Epic Mealtime burger video to Gut Check Jr. Her response:

"I'll stick to foods with more calories. Foods with more calories include more energy."

"It's a turd! It's a plane! Oh,'s a turd."

"That's gonna be hard to eat. That is THE Super Bowl sandwich. This might take awhile."

"I'd be grinding down the cheese."

"A tyrannosaurus would eat that burger in one gulp and want more. It wouldn't make very much of a meal."