When we last checked in with Delmonico's Diner (4909 Delmar Boulevard; 314-361-9703) in December of last year, the soul-food institution had closed temporarily, with a sign posted in the front door stating that it would reopen "under new management" in February.
Well, it's February now, so I stopped by the restaurant around noon today to see if it had reopened. It hasn't. That in and of itself doesn't mean anything -- the sign didn't specify a day February, just the month -- but a couple of things do stand out as troubling.
First, a subjective observation: Peeking into the restaurant today, I didn't see anything to lead me to believe that a) any substantial work has been done to the interior or b) that there is anyone around to do such work.
Second, the phone number, which was operational when I filed the original report on its temporary closure, is now disconnected. More as I learn it.