On this week's Voice Film Club podcast, The Village Voice's Alan Scherstuhl and Stephanie Zacharek both praise Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity (starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock), saying the director exhibits a "lovely human touch" with film, which is set in space, and that it's "so different than anything else he's made." It opens on Friday, October 4.
Also, we get a report on Austin, Texas' Fantastic Fest from L.A. Weekly's Amy Nicholson, which is put on by the Alamo Draft House's Tim League. It's a festival all about "drunkenness, tattoos and action," says Nicholson, who adds that movies like Japan's Kid's Police, and Bollywood's Commando were stand-outs.
Plus! Recommendations for drug war documentary Narco Cultura, Malaysian viking movie Vikingdom, and an endorsement of La-La Land Records' extensive stock of movie soundtracks, including a limited edition release of 1969's True Grit.