Yesterday, Daily RFT reported on a new St. Louis Independent Bookstore Alliance, a coalition of the region's indie booksellers. The article explains the the STLIBA's aim is "to raise the collective profile of St. Louis' independent bookstores" by cooperative action. "They would produce a map of independent bookstores to be distributed with other tourist information, set up a website listing all the goings-on at bookstores around town and local bestsellers and plan mega-events together."
Someone who can get behind this alliance is the music blog I Went to a Show. The site promises that if you buy anything at an independent bookstore from now through Sunday, February 20, and they'll send you a local music mix CD -- no questions asked. Email your address and info to [email protected] after you make the purchase, and they'll take it from there. Now, why did IWTAS immediately leap to help out? Daily RFT found out:
"We're always impressed by the knowledge, caring attitude, and integrity displayed by many local businesses," explains I Went To A Show's Jess Luther. "Independent bookstores here in town are prime examples of what makes our St. Louis community stronger. When we saw that the store owners got together and formed a St. Louis Independent Bookstore Alliance, we were inspired to contribute something from our camp that might encourage people to stop by the stores on a day that they might otherwise have not.
"When you buy an album from a local band," she continues, "you're doing more than just purchasing music. Listening local is a testament to the reemerging idea of St. Louis as a city that creates, that grows, and that works together. The same goes for local businesses, be it bookstores, grocery stores, or record stores."