Seven Weird Things Rock Stars Have Put Their Penises In

Mar 11, 2014 at 5:06 am

By Luke Winkie We've built a culture that breathlessly responds to the reckless id of horny rock stars. It's either another colorful facet of pop culture or the crumbling of our basic human values, depending on how you look at it. What we do know, is that gross white men sticking their penis into esoteric things is a tradition that is not going to change for quite some time. So while we're living in this phallic age, we might as well do our best to evaluate it. Below, you will find a host of weird things rock stars have allegedly put their penis in. We're judging style, hilarity, memorability, improvisation, and of course, immortalization.

Tommy Lee - Breakfast Burrito In Motley Crue's biography The Dirt, Tommy Lee famously puts his penis in a breakfast burrito in order to prevent his girlfriend from smelling the groupie residue on him. You'd think that perhaps soap would work, and that is precisely why you are not a rock star.

Round about that area. - Stefan Krause
Stefan Krause
Round about that area.

Mike Ness - Mike Ness' Mouth The lead singer of Social Distortion can reportedly suck his own. Though, if it were true, you really think they'd have put out as many albums as they have?

Jimi Hendrix - A Plaster Mold Do you think as Jimi Hendrix was sliding his penis into a plaster mold he suddenly became aware of his mortality? Do you think permanently inscribing his dong reassured him?

Seven Weird Things Rock Stars Have Put Their Penises In
Simon Davies/Flickr

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Socks The Red Hot Chili Peppers putting socks on their dicks is probably the second most memorable thing about their band ... right before Point Break and right in front of the guitar solo in "Scar Tissue."

Continue to page two for more. Gary Glitter - The Entire Country of Thailand The less said about this one the better.

Trent Reznor - Pure Fucking Darkness So this is a technicality, but we think you know where we're coming from. Maybe someday we'll have the answer to our long-standing national question: Did Trent Reznor put his penis inside that pig head?

Seven Weird Things Rock Stars Have Put Their Penises In
Glenn Francis

Tommy Lee (Again), Bret Michaels, Kid Rock, Anyone Who Wore Skull T-Shirts In The '80s - Pamela Anderson Hey, we're not throwing shade. It's awesome how Pam Anderson has etched out a weird little niche for herself. Has there been a human more perfectly designed to sleep with people in metal bands? Sorry, Carmen Electra! Pam Anderson's simply on another level.


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