Why are winter coats still necessary? It's April. Gah.
Friday, April 4 *Gentleman Auction House/Bald Eagle/Witch’s Hat, Billiken Club *Shame Club/Broadzilla/Cheap Heat, Bluebird *The Feed, Broadway Oyster Bar *SeepeopleS, Cicero’s *Fattback (covers night), Off Broadway *Johnny Saint and the Princes of Hell/Calabrese/Heathens, 2 Cents Plain *Blue Man Group, Scottrade Center *.e/Macro Meltdown, aPop Records *Robb Steele/Bare Knuckle Conflict, Pageant Saturday, April 5 *The Safes/The 75’s/Chapters, Bluebird *Umphrey’s McGee, Pageant *Waymakers/Rum Drum Ramblers/Boxcutters, Way Out Club *Helium Tapes/Wormwood Scrubs, Off Broadway *Aloud, 2 Cents Plain *Kim Massie, The Gramophone *Ded Bugs/Sex Robots, Creepy Crawl
Sunday, April 6 *Cursive/Capgun Coup/So Many Dynamos, Gargoyle *Mushroomhead, Pop’s *Two Cow Garage/Mark Pickerel, Off Broadway *Tony Renner, Cicero’s
BONUS Monday Edition: Monday, April 7 *J.B. Beverly and the Wayward Drifters, Way Out Club *Musee Mecanique, Bluebird *Skeletonwitch/Cross Examination, Building R