Ballpark Lake Bait: Build Your Own Damn Yurt, KSDK!

May 2, 2008 at 10:42 am

The Riverfront Times knows how to cover a story in a timely fashion. But sometimes the local press must band together in order to take on an issue of great magnitude. You know: Reporters helping reporters.

Such is the case with Ballpark Village. Cooperation is vital in order to convey all the nuances of this story to people who may not have ventured outside in the past two years and have no idea why there's still a big hole where old Busch Stadium used to stand.

That's why we at RFT were happy -- gratified, even -- to lend a hand to our brethren and sistren at KSDK-TV (Channel 5) when our paths crossed on the Ballpark Village beat.

As you can see from the video clip above, our contribution pretty much nails the story for KSDK's investigative ace Mike Owens.

One question, though: What's with the "a weekly newspaper" crap, Mike? We thought we were all in this together!

(For those in need of a sleeping aid, here's a link to the KSDK segment in its entirety.)
