The monitors (anyone else having flashbacks to 2001 when undercover U.S. Marshals were placed on airplanes?) could be in the buses after students return from winter break. A federal grant will pay for the chaperones.
From yesterday's Belleville News-Democrat:
The program includes a half-day training for bus company supervisors and the school administrators who work closely with them. The training covers topics including: the relationships between bus drivers, students and the school; a code of conduct and commitment to character; and bullying and sexual-harassment prevention and intervention.
Through a "train the trainer" approach, the bus supervisors then go on to train their drivers and the school administrators train the bus monitors, who will be teacher's aides in District 201's case.
"For our bus monitors, it will be to educate them on what we expect their contributions to be on our school buses, and to work with the bus driver and try to establish a classroom setting on the bus," said Andrea Rudanovich, District 201 curriculum director.
Video of the fight that prompted the school's new bus policy after the jump.