Not content with just biking to work or going on a recycling crusade, Colin Beavan, author of No Impact Man lived for a year in the strictest green lifestyle. That meant eating organically and cutting off the electricity, of course, but also producing trash (except for what could be composted), no paper (think of that next time you're in the bathroom), and no plastic.
He even limited his food to what was grown in the 250-mile radius of his home.
Beaven will talk about his experiences tonight at the Schlafly Branch of St. Louis Public Library.
His home, it should be noted, was no backwoods farm or Amish community,
he completed his "experiment" in the heart of Manhattan, and brought his
wife and daughter along for the ride too.
It seems his only cheat was his blog. From his experiments he wrote the book No Impact Man, which he will discuss tonight at 7 at the St. Louis Public Library, Schlafly Branch.
Admission is free. Read Paul Friswold's full preview, and check out Beavan's interview with ABC.