Mike Pence may have canceled on Josh Hawley, but a different national star is coming to town next weekend to campaign for his opponent.
U.S. Senator Cory Booker will be coming to Kansas City on Saturday, May 19, and St. Louis on Sunday, May 20, to hold campaign events with colleague Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri).
McCaskill is locked in a tough reelection campaign, with a bevy of Republican rivals vying to take her on, including Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley, libertarian darling Austin Petersen and Air Force veteran Tony Monetti. (There's also some guy who hates "career-obsessed banshees" and may be a performance artist and may be a CIA plant, but we've given him enough ink already.)
As for Booker, he first developed a national profile as the mayor of Newark. As the junior senator from New Jersey, he is considered a possible presidential, or maybe vice presidential, candidate in 2020.
In St. Louis, Booker and McCaskill will be kicking things off at Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. 36 (2319 Chouteau Avenue) beginning at 1 p.m. No tickets or reservations are needed.
McCaskill has been dubbed the most vulnerable Democrat in the nation, which likely says more about Missouri's changing demographics than any particular vote she's made. But if you'd like to hear the case for her reelection, why not stop by Sunday? Maybe even bring a friend. McCaskill is.
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