Whatever the case, the good people of Laurie, Missouri, are today left questioning who stole the hand-painted, wooden cow from the town's nativity scene.
According to an account of the crime on a Lake of the Ozark's website, volunteers installed the nativity scene last Monday at the town park, known affectionately as the Laurie Hillbilly Fairgrounds.
From lakenewsonline.com:
Coming back to do more work the next day, the workers discovered that the cow had been broken loose from its mounting and was gone. Whoever took the cow had also tried to take the sheep. In the attempt to loose the sheep from its moorings, its head was broken off.Town officials estimate that the amount of the damage could reach triple digits ($100), but they're willing to drop any charges against the vandals if they simply return the cow.
"It's just plain orneriness," says Laurie's parks and events coordinator, Susann Huff. "Why would you just steal a cow? Bring it back, and we won't ask any questions. Just bring it back where you found it."