Daily Web Crawl

Nov 6, 2007 at 10:52 am

Your daily guide to what they're whispering about in the next cubicle.

HERE A to Z correspondent Ryan Wasoba asks Sean Nelson all the tough questions.

It's wine time at Gut Check.

We bet they can't point Iraq out on a map either.

Dear Arch Pundit, we heart the daily dolt. Keep 'em coming!

At a KFC near you: diarrhea drinks!


Slash, meet your Guitar Hero III match.
Slash, meet your Guitar Hero III match.

Slash, meet your Guitar Hero III match.

THERE Is it wrong to wonder if this talent gets that dude laid? (Via Crave)

Nobody better give him a TV show. Not even VH1. (Via Perez Hilton)

Jeez, we were just wondering. (Via Rocket Boom)

Here's enough open letters to last a lifetime. (Via Your Daily Awesome)

Romantic -- or creepy? Update: The hopeless romantic shows his face. (Via Gawker)

EVERYWHERE Pray for the little girl with eight limbs as she undergoes surgery today.