Dead Chinchillas Found in Fridge During Raid of Serial Animal Hoarder's House

Apr 2, 2010 at 12:17 pm
Sorry, couldn't find a picture of a dead one in a refridgerator. - / CC BY 2.0 / CC BY 2.0
Sorry, couldn't find a picture of a dead one in a refridgerator.
By all accounts, Virginia Gambriel is way into animals - even dead ones.

St. Louis' Humane Society got deluged this week with several dozen new patients after authorities in southwestern Missouri raided the home of this alleged "animal hoarder" north of Springfield. According the article in the News-Leader, 75 animals were seized from her small farm home, including:
Forty dogs, 13 cats, 10 rabbits, two doves, two turtles and a chinchilla...Three dead chinchillas were taken from the refrigerator Monday. A dead cat was also removed from a cage.
Gambriel is soon going to trial for charges relating to a much bigger raid in 2008, when officials took 370 malnourished creatures from her home located in -- get ready -- Pleasant Hope. Read more here.