Dustin Kraushaar Tallies Another Arrest Through Tallywhacking

Apr 5, 2012 at 9:28 am
Dustin Kraushaar, coming at you live.
Dustin Kraushaar, coming at you live.
Say what you will about the indolence and flightiness of today's youth, but occasionally you come across one who truly applies himself to doing one thing and doing it well. That single-minded devotion to a vocation is  a problem when he's trying to come across you, however.

Say hello to Dustin Kraushaar, again. Don't shake hands with him.

A female victim called the Madison County Sheriff's office on Tuesday, April 3, to complain that an unknown male had publicly exposed himself in a lewd manner to her twice in one week. The first instance occurred on Friday, March 23, in Worden, Illinois. The second viewing happened on Friday, March 30, in Hamel, Illinois. Two performances by the same man allowed the woman to give the police a detailed physical description, as well as notice markings on the vehicle the suspect was driving around the time of both acts that gave her an idea of where he worked.

Armed with this information, police contacted that business and found their man: Dustin M. Kraushaar, 20, of Brighton, Illinois. They were already familiar with Kraushaar, as the Madison County Sheriff's Office arrested him on January 30 after he exposed himself to a bank teller in the drive-through. Kraushaar has been charged with two misdemeanor counts of public indecency to go with his earlier misdemeanor pubic indecency charge.

If we could offer a bit of advice to Mr. Kraushaar: If you are indeed guilty on these charges, you're going about this all wrong, son. If you love wiggling your pickle at the ladies so much, make it a career and not a hobby. Come up with a monologue about Big Oil or corrupt politicians and recite it while you prime the pump on a stage and you're no longer a pervert, you're an artist. Grant money and gallery shows can be yours.