Quick! Is this 2010 or 1972?
If you guessed the latter, you'd be forgiven today -- especially after reading about how "Nixon" recently canceled a visit to Taiwan after hearing that the trip could offend the Chinese.
But wait! It's not Richard Nixon we're talking about. No it's Missouri governor Jay Nixon, who -- along with other state officials -- has been trying to make Lambert St. Louis Airport an international freight hub with the Chinese government.
As the Post-Dispatch reports today, Nixon's office announced on December 1 that the governor planned to visit Taiwan and Korea the week of December 10. Two days later, Nixon changed plans after a Chinese delegate warned that the trip to Taiwan could "be misunderstood in Beijing", which views the island-nation as its rightful territory, and could possibly affect the air hub deal in St. Louis.
The governor's office last Friday stated that "travel challenges" have now postponed that trip and would not comment further on the matter.
Wow. The way the Chinese have Nixon bouncing back and forth, no wonder they call it Ping Pong Diplomacy.