"Pretty soon," the site promises, "you'll have a rolling history of your sex life on which to reflect." Ever-helpful, Bedpost will plot each of your sexual encounters on a little calendar and crunch your raw data for you into charts and graphs which -- we guess -- would make an attractive addition to a PowerPoint presentation, should the need ever arise.
(We can't imagine when-- Oh, wait! Unreal just had a devilish vision of presenting line graphs of everyone's sexual activity at our weekly editorial meeting. Bonuses would be awarded accordingly.)
We understand that this is potentially the most personal of data-sets you will ever keep outside of financial records. The records you save here will never be viewed by us nor will it ever be sold or provided to a third party.It is also most emphatically not a social networking site. Which makes Unreal wonder:
If you can't make other people feel bad because they're not getting as much as you are, what's the fucking point?