Kirkwood Karen Screams "You're Not Equal" at Black Postal Worker

Karens gotta Karen

Aug 25, 2023 at 12:14 pm
click to enlarge The crucifix and peace sign necklaces really check the Karen bingo boxes.
Screengrab via Twitter
The crucifix and peace sign necklaces really check the Karen bingo boxes.
Another day, another Missouri bigot making a fool of themselves.

Today's local embarrassment comes from an altercation outside of a post office in Kirkwood, where a disgruntled white woman angrily yelled "You're not equal!" to a Black postal worker.

The woman was upset for an unknown reason, but according to @TizzyEnt, who shared video of the incident on Twitter, the yelled-at employee had walked the woman out of the post office after she made a scene.

That's when shit most definitely hit the fan. In video recorded by the employee, the woman — whom we'll just Karen — is seen hurling racially-insensitive insults (to put it mildly) at her chosen enemy. 
"You get the hell away from me!" she says, while storming to her car. She then pulls out her phone, apparently realizing that the postal worker is filming her. "I could do the same thing, lady."

Whatever footage the woman may have captured — all while the postal worker stood still and didn't say a word — was supposedly so valuable, it was worth the attention of a certain orange, recently-detained Florida man.

"I send it to Trump," she says, her crucifix and peace sign necklace hanging slightly wayward on her chest. "Maybe he could do something." (Oh, honey.) "And then Obama could sue him."

Why both Trump and Obama would need to be drawn in the picture is a question we're not sure even our Karen would have the answer to. 

Her nonsensical raging continued.

"Equal my ass," she says while storming further away from the employee. "You're not equal!"

That appeared to be the moment she finally has enough. For a second, she plops herself down in the driver's seat of her Toyota RAV4, only to step back out with more to say: "Goddamn fucking step on white people."

And then, once again, she is done. She backs the RAV4 and drives a few feet toward the entrance of the parking lot. But then she stops, walks back out of the car, and approaches the employee again.

"I tell ya, I've had it," she says. "Goddamn, you have ruined my life. I sit here. All I want is my mail. My mail!"

Should we be concerned? Was Karen's apparent failure to receive her mail truly life ruining? Maybe she lost a check? Medication? Or, the horror, her latest campaign mailer from Trump never arrived?

"Don't come in here ma'am," the employee says. "And please step off of our lot."

"I hope you lose your job," Karen responds.

"That's not nice, but thank you," the employee says back.

Then, in truly the most confounding part of this whole ordeal, Karen yells, "Where do you get your hair done, I haven't had it done in five years?" Hmm, we don't know Karen, but we'd say her shoulder-length hair suits her well.

Then, when it seems she's finally done, the video cuts to Karen driving next to the entrance of the post office repeating, "Hey boy, hey boy boy, hey boy." (Historically,  calling Black men "boy," has been a way for white men to put down their Black counterparts.)  At that point, Karen finally actually has enough and revs her RAV4 away.

TizzyEnt credited the video to an Instagram account that appears to belong to the verbally-assaulted employee. In a post of the video, j5scar writes:

"So this happened to me early last week on my job. So many emotions ran through me watching this over-entitled, unstable, disrespectful Trump-loving piece of trash that stood before me. I wanted to #madea her ass straight into next year and watch her beg me for forgiveness once she got there. Luckily for her, I was on y job and words don't hurt me ESPECIALLY coming from a #karen." 
We're glad Karen left without the situation escalating further, and we hope the employee she terrorized is OK.

As for Karen, we hope at the very least that she eventually got her mail.

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