Kirkwood School Kicks Girl Out of Class For Religious T-Shirt

Mar 18, 2011 at 9:58 am
Michelle Ramirez and her spooky T-shirt. - Fox 2
Michelle Ramirez and her spooky T-shirt.
A student at North Middle School in Kirkwood was removed from class this week for wearing a religious T-shirt with a message school administrators found offensive.

The message? "Jesus...He Scares the HELL Out of You."

The student, Michelle Ramirez, says that the T-shirt conveys her Christian beliefs. "[Jesus] does scare the hell out of you. That you're not letting the devil in," Michelle tells Fox 2.

Michelle's mother has her daughter's back, saying that the term "hell" on the shirt is the literal meaning of the word and not a profanity. The school, meanwhile, views the word "hell" as vulgar and says it violates the district's dress code.

Here, though, is an interesting factoid left out of the Fox 2 report. On Sunday mornings, North Middle School serves as the site of a Presbyterian ministry. You'd think that a school that opens its doors to a church each week would have a hell of a time censoring a religious T-shirt.