Local Media: St. Louis Could Burst into Flame Today

Aug 3, 2010 at 10:00 am
You have angered the sun, St. Louis.
You have angered the sun, St. Louis.
Uh, have you heard? It's going to be hot today. How hot?

Well, as the Post-Dispatch fronts on Page 1 (and news station follows in their "top story" slot) the thermometer is expected to reach 100 today with a heat index of approximately 400 -- Kelvin.
So, what to do? Stay indoors or you'll shrivel like a slug under a magnifying glass! That's right, go outside for a split-second and you'll end up like those charcoaled corpses unearthed in Pompeii!

Seriously, though. Waddya bet the temperature doesn't reach the century mark today? I'm placing my wager at a solid 98 degrees -- tops.

Yes, it's hot. But get over it, and while you're at it, get out to vote vote (hopefully against Prop. C). The polls, btw, have air-conditioning.