As I mentioned earlier this month, a group of "like-minded" folks upset with the Obama administration's stimulus plan are planning a downtown rally on Wednesday, April 15.
Today I received an e-mail with an update on the hoedown -- part of a Tax Day Tea Party taking place nationwide and endorsed by Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich and the American Family Association. The event is modeled after a similar gathering held under the Arch on February 27.
Writes local organizer Doug Edelman:
...the Obama administration will use our tax dollars to help Gitmo terrorists acclimate to U.S. society after their release on American soil! We believe that in this present crisis, government is not the solution to the problem; government IS the problem. Join us in Kiener Plaza on April 15 at 6:30 to tell the President and Congress to get out of our wallets.If that's not your, ahem, cup of tea, just wait! Three days later -- on Saturday, April 18 -- the Nazis come to town.
Last week, "SS Lt." Steven Boswell with the National Socialist Movement (a.k.a. America's Nazi Party) sent an e-mail updating a post I wrote earlier this month.
It seems that in addition to its rally under the Arch on April 18, the NSM now plans to hold a a "walking picket" of downtown St. Louis.
Writes Boswell:
As I am sure the City is aware, although a parade permit is required when streets have to be closed down, no such permit is required for a walking picket. The National Socialist Movement may picket anywhere in St Louis and at anytime during that weekend. The current Obama administration seems hell-bent on destroying the last vestiges of America, the greatest nation in the history of the Earth. And they are determined to wipe out the White man, the spark of genius that created that nation. We of the NSM will not let that happen. We will take our message of American hope directly to the streets of St. Louis and directly to the people of St. Louis.So, there you have it. Who says there's nothing to do downtown?