No Matter How Shitty You Are To Your Grandparents, At Least You're Not This Guy

Dec 3, 2009 at 12:10 pm
click to enlarge No Matter How Shitty You Are To Your Grandparents, At Least You're Not This Guy / CC BY 2.0
We know you haven't called grandma since the last holiday season, and yes you ARE an awful person. But you're no Joe Davidson Music, the 35-year-old man from Brighton, Mo., who just got sentenced to a quarter century in the slammer for literally stomping his grandmother's face in.

Here's the pleasant description from our colleagues down at the News-Leader in Springfield:
During the [November 2004] incident that resulted in his grandmother's death, a home care aide called 911 after seeing Music stomping and kicking his grandmother's face and head with steel-toed boots, according to the prosecutor's office.
The (ahem) kicker: his great-grandmother tried to break it up, and SHE got injured as well.

Word-nerd bonus: We looked it up, and as far as we can tell, killing a grandparent does not have its own word, like matricide (mother-murder) or patricide (father-murder). Apparently, if you kill someone from your extended family, it's called kinicide.