The Missouri legislature has voted to pull most of the teeth out of Prop B, the voter-approved bill that would drastically tighten oversight of dog-breeding operations in Missouri. A bill to repeal almost all of Prop B's restrictions is now awaiting a signature or veto from Gov. Jay Nixon.
The matter continues to be a lighting rod. F'rinstance, right now on Ellen Degeneres' talk show, Wayne Pacelle, the polarizing president of the Humane Society of the United States, is getting national audiences riled up about the situation here in Missouri. It's airing on KSDK Channel 5.
Degeneres and Pacelle are urging viewers to contact Nixon's office to ask him to veto the measure. Nixon's office has said that he is examining the issue closely before deciding.
If Nixon allows the bill to become the law, the pro-Prop B group Missourians for the Protection of Dogs has vowed to force the legislation to a referendum -- thereby taking the issue back to the voters for a second vote.