Smokers pay taxes, too: Here's the thing about enacting unconstitutional laws by mob rule by incompetent politicians — especially those issues funded by special interest, pharma-funded tobacco control ["Brentwood Approves Smoking Ban," Chad Garrison]. Survey says: 51 percent of the population wants to kill the other 49 percent. Should we allow this by a law of the majority? How 'bout we abide the U.S. Constitution and leave our property owners their rights to run their business as they see fit and let taxpaying smokers enjoy public spaces too? Get rid of these bans!
Marbee, via the Internet
Blame "Big Pharma": Would you like to know who is behind all the smoking bans? The American Cancer Society. The Heart and Stroke Association. The American Lung association. Big Pharma — selling the nico-products. Follow the money. The anti-smoking cartel knows that approximately 80 percent of adults don't smoke, and that is where the votes are. That is why your mayor and council voted for the ban, at the possible demise of the hospitality industry. I hate to say this, but there are a lot of "gutless wonders" in politics.
Thomas Laprade, via the Internet
Word from a German reader: The article basically makes fun of St. Louis and San Francisco for their political correctness ["Soulard Oktoberfest Cleavage Controversy: Botched German Translation Edition," Keegan Hamilton]. You see, in America, nudity is equated with the sexual act. In Germany, nudity is natural and not considered something dirty or of a sexual nature. And these photos are hardly nude! So what's up with Americans being such prudes?
Anonymous, via the Internet
It all goes back to immigration status: Why do you liberals play the emotion card when it comes to law and politics ["Seized," Monica Alonzo]? You all still do not understand the word "illegal"! On one hand you want the
illegals here, but on the other hand you do not want the crime that comes with it. Illegals are illegals. Send them back and make them go through due process to get to this great country.
Richard Duerst, via the Internet
The voice of compassion: Jesus Christ, the bullshit stories in the RFT are beyond belief. These stories sound like they are written by a junior high school writing class where the liberal English teacher demanded that the writings be as extreme as possible. I want proof that this story is the truth. I'll bet fabricated truth will be coming shortly. If you want to come to this country, do it correctly. No tears will come from my eyes from these B.S. stories, and believe it or not, I am a very compassionate person. If you are going to do something, do it right and legally, or don't do it at all.
Charles Wiebe, via the Internet
More self-described compassion: There is no excuse for the cruelty that these illegals endure. However, I really am tired of these people who enter illegally; don't want to have American citizenship, only the benefits; live better than most Americans; and take the jobs that many Americans who are unemployed need. My son, who is Native American, looked for eighteen months for a job and couldn't find one. He has joined the military but has been doing odd jobs, farm work, whatever he can find until he went to basic just to feed himself, pay for his insurance and put gas in his truck. So, while I am a compassionate person on the whole...give me a break. They need to tighten the borders and stop the illegals who live better than the Americans who want or need jobs, can't qualify for any assistance on minimum wage or less and are proud to have their American citizenship!
Itsjustmie, via the Internet