Ride of The Century Finds Home at Columbia's Top Shooters Sports Bar Amid Police Pressure

Aug 30, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Ride of the Century is having a rough 2013. Law enforcement have publicly vowed to make life as hard as possible for riders breaking the laws of the road, but the increased police pressure also prompted Big St. Charles Motorsports to cancel its long-running Ride of the Century "Funfest" at the last minute. After frenzied searching, the ride announced on its Facebook page that a new venue has been found: Top Shooters Sports Bar in Columbia. (531 Old State Route 3 Columbia, IL 62236)

According to the event's Facebook page, it will include a "Lot Ride, Competitions with (Prize Giveaways), Raffles, Food, Alcohol, Music and, much more..."

See also: Could 2013 Be Final Ride of The Century in St. Louis?

Earlier this week, Daily RFT reported that Big St. Charles Motorsports decided the risk of police checkpoints harassing customers was too much, and cancelled the event. Though Ride of the Century officially starts today KMOX reports that police have already arrested dozens of motorcyclists on I-70 Thursday night.

St. Louis Metropolitan Police Chief Sam Dotson reiterated the planned efforts of law enforcement to "combat this reckless and dangerous behavior" in a blog post he published today.