Rock Hill City Hall Shanghaied by Chop Suey?

Mar 5, 2010 at 9:44 am
Reading a Post-Dispatch item this morning one could get the impression that the Rock Hill City Hall has been knee-capped -- perhaps even "shanghaied" -- by its Chinese restaurant neighbor.

As the daily reports, part of the strip mall in which the St. Louis suburb houses its government is now condemned after the roof collapsed in the adjacent Rock Hill Chop Suey.

click to enlarge Rock Hill City Hall sits sandwiched between a payday loan store and a Chinese take-out on Manchester Road. - Google Street View
Google Street View
Rock Hill City Hall sits sandwiched between a payday loan store and a Chinese take-out on Manchester Road.

The paper further reports that the City Hall may now be forced to "relocate with no notice."

This morning Rock Hill administrator George Liyeos paints a different tale to Daily RFT, telling us that all's fine at city hall.

"We can stay here," says Liyeos. "We've survived for the past four-and-half-years and have no plans on moving anytime soon. (Rock Hill moved its offices into the strip mall after selling its previous City Hall to make way for a development.)

Still, wasn't city hall at least somewhat affected by the structural decay at the chop suey joint?

"No," says Liyeos. "We really weren't that inconvenienced."